Other publications

Here we provide links to selected publications by CESAR’s researchers since 2009.

Applied Energy : Volume 306, Part B, 118001, January 15, 2022
By Daya R. Nhuchhen (CESAR, University of Calgary); Song P. Sit (CESAR, University of Calgary); and David B. Layzell (CESAR, University of Calgary)

Fuel - The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy: 295, 120544, February 2021
By Daya R. Nhuchhen (CESAR, University of Calgary); Song P. Sit (CESAR, University of Calgary); and David B. Layzell (CESAR, University of Calgary)

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction: 56, 102093, February 2021
By Craig David MacDonald (Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary); Linda Kattan (Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary); and David B. Layzell (CESAR, University of Calgary)

Anthropocene, 27: 10.1016, 2019
By Adekunbi B. Adetona (CESAR, University of Calgary) and David B. Layzell (CESAR, University of Calgary)

Energy Efficiency, April 19, 2018
By Ralph D. Torrie (Torrie Smith Associates and Senior Associate, CESAR), Christopher Stone, David B. Layzell (CESAR, University of Calgary)

By Layzell DB, co-lead author with 70 other university researchers (including co-lead authors and other contributing researchers) from the 10 provinces

J Air & Waste Management Association, Vol 66, 2016 – Issue B, 2016
By Pak NM, Rempillo O, Norman L, Layzell DB

Bioresource Technology, 216: 352–361, 2016
By Frankel ML, TI Bhuiyan, A Veksha, MA Demeter, DB Layzell, RJ Helleur, JM Hill, RJ Turner

Primer on Energy Systems in Canada, 2nd edition, Chapter 5, pp173-217, 2016
By Torrie R contributor

Energy Economics, 56: 101-16, 2016
By Torrie RD, Stone C, Layzell DB

Acting on Climate Change: Extending the Dialogue Among Canadians, pp45-52, 2015
By Torrie R contributor

Stockholm Environment Institute briefing, 2015
By Torrie R

Ontario Waste Management Association, 2015
By Kellehr M, Seidel C, Torrie R

The Visual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics, 32: 403-13, 2015
By Alemasoom H, Samavati F, Brosz J, Layzell DB

Bioresource Technology, 153: 173-9, 2014
By Veksha A, McLaughlin H, Layzell DB and Hill JM

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, DOI 10.1007/s11027-014-9625-9, 2014
By Kimetu JM, Hill J, Husein M, Bergerson J and Layzell DB

Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 94(6): 1037-1041, 2014
By Flynn, B, Graham A, Scott N, Layzell DB and Dong Z

Helio International, 2014
By Torrie R, Smith J, Connor H, Labriet M, Labrousse M

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 49: 913-22, 2014
By Iranmanesh S, Harding T, Abedi J, Seyedeyn-Azad F and Layzell, DB