613-520-2600 | johnroberts@cunet.carleton.ca
Cameron Roberts is a postdoctoral research fellow working with CESAR on electric mobility as a service. His background is in the history of transportation, having studied the history of aviation, railways, and automobility during graduate studies at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Manchester in the UK. Since finishing his PhD in socio-technical transition history, in Manchester, he has worked on the deliberate acceleration of sustainability transitions; on the political economy of transportation systems that maximize human wellbeing while limiting impact on the environment; and on the recent history of cycling in Canada.
Cameron has been a recipient of the Darwin Trust of Edinburgh PhD scholarship and has published articles on the history of transportation and sustainability transitions in Energy Research and Social Science, Science as Culture, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Currently, he is based at Carleton University in Ottawa and is working on electric mobility and mobility on-demand, as well as on other transportation technologies that can radically disrupt Canada’s car-dependent transportation system.