(403) 210-9668 | kjmcelhe@ucalgary.ca
Kyle McElheran recently completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calgary, specializing in energy and the environment.
Kyle’s interest lies in nuclear energy. Some of his projects include a life cycle assessment comparison of using small modular nuclear reactors to generate steam in the oil sands, a review of Canada’s current nuclear waste management plan, and a review of the DUPIC (Direct Use of Spent Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel in CANDU) nuclear fuel cycle to feed unprocessed spent fuel from pressurized water reactors into CANDU reactors.
Kyle completed a one year internship with Suncor Energy where he worked to optimize construction productivity on the Fort Hills oil sands mine project. In his final academic year, he began studying Canadian energy systems and investigated, as part of an Energy and Environment Specialization capstone course, how autonomous vehicles might impact the future emissions of personal transportation in Alberta. He hopes his contribution at CESAR will have a meaningful impact on driving Canada towards a sustainable future.
Autonomous Vehicles: Re-defining the Future of Transportation and Emissions, Energy and Environmental Specialization capstone course poster (2016)