Nicole recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calgary, specializing in Energy and the Environment.
Passionate about sustainable energy systems, Nicole has worked and studied in several areas of the energy sector. She spent a research term in wind turbine optimization and also studied renewable energy and entrepreneurship abroad in China. For her internship, she worked for one year in Switzerland for GE Power, in gas turbine reconditioning and maintenance. In her Energy and Environment capstone course she developed a pathway with her team to transform Canada’s agricultural residues into biochar, a more permanent form of carbon storage. Nicole is interested in whole system design and the circular economy. She wants to design systems that combine opportunities for economic prosperity with the disruptive changes needed to make society more sustainable. Her interests encompass waste management, biodegradable alternatives to plastic packaging, alternative fuels and emerging technologies in carbon capture and storage. She is excited to join CESAR this summer to focus on the “Future of Freight” project.