(403) 210-9668 | ashok.kinjarapu1@ucalgary.ca
Ashok Kinjarapu graduated from the University of Calgary with a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He specialized in transportation with a focus on freight. As part of his Master’s thesis, Ashok investigated the potential of using passive truck GPS data to understand truck travel patterns in the Calgary region. He subsequently used this information to develop a behavioural “Destination Choice” model for trucks in the region.
At CESAR, Ashok is working on the “Future of Freight” project, utilizing his background in transportation and data mining to analyze heavy truck movements in Alberta, using GPS data obtained from the trucks. Ashok is passionate about developing a sustainable transportation system, and is excited to be associated with CESAR which is working to ensure a sustainable low-carbon future, including through a transformation of the freight sector.
Ashok is enrolled as an Engineer in Training (EIT) with The Association of Professional Engineers and Geologists of Alberta.
After working with CESAR, Ashok took a position as a consultant, infrastructure analytics with CPSC – Solutions for Growing Economies.