825-994-5013 | abdalla.elnigoumi@ucalgary.ca
Abdalla Elnigoumi is an MSc student in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary. His supervisor is Dr. (PhD) Sean McCoy, assistant professor of chemical and petroleum engineering.
Abdalla’s research at CESAR focuses on investigating optimum cost strategies to decarbonize hydrogen production in Alberta, by assessing different supply and demand scenarios in the province and developing a decision-making tool. Through analyzing the cost and benefits of possible scenarios, his work supports the realization of a credible transition pathway to a hydrogen economy in Alberta.
Abdalla started his bachelor’s degree in 2015 at the University of Khartoum, Sudan, before receiving an excellence scholarship in 2016 to continue his studies at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. In 2019, he received his BEng in Chemical Engineering with First-Class Honours, majoring in process plant engineering and a minor in management. His industrial experience included an eight-month internship at Khartoum Refinery Company Ltd. (KRC) in Sudan, working with the Central Technical Support and Operations departments for several refinery process units.